Anything Works
I wish I had $10 for every time that I have had a technician or advisor tell me that: “We tried that but it didn’t work.” The plan or structure didn’t work because it was not implemented properly. Proper implementation involves:
• Find your strengths and weaknesses
• Plan your work in detail
• Communicate and train everyone in the execution
• Practice, practice, practice
• Perform!
Many consultants attempt to adapt a “canned approach” to your situation. With this approach, everyone gets “groups” or “teams”, because the consultant is operating from a book. At Fixed Ops Resource, we operate from a huge bank of experience. We’ve seen central dispatch systems that work extremely well. We’ve seen groups and teams that work extremely well. We’ve seen all sorts of combinations or hybrids that work extremely well. It’s all about making the situation work.
So, what is your issue? - CSI? - Poor Communication? - Poor Production? - Need Technicians? - Attitudes?
At Fixed Ops Resource, we want to help you and your team to make the situation work. And we can! How?
• Find your strengths and weaknesses
• Plan your work in detail
• Communicate and train everyone in the execution
• Practice, practice, practice
• Perform!
Does this sound familiar? At Fixed ops Resource, we, ALWAYS, start with a clean sheet of paper, because every dealership is different (we have been to a thousand of them!), and, anything works! Call Charlie Waters at: (904) 237-2375